Check out this Hunky Handyman Hillis, below:
The 15-year-old teen sensation is allowed out on dates with her 20-year-old boyfriend Justin Gaston, without a physical chaperone - because her mum, Leticia, has found other ways of checking up on her superstar daughter.
Cyrus explains, "If you look at my text inbox, it's mom, mom, mom, mom. She'll send them constantly."
On the Nov. 7 episode of The Tyra Banks Show, Miley Cyrus reveals her first job: Cleaning toilets!
"I had one normal job and I actually liked it," said the "Hannah Montana" singer (who earned $18.2 million last year). "I worked at this place called Sparkles Cleaning Service and I cleaned houses. I was, like, 11 ... I can scrub a toilet."
Next up for the teen queen: Her 16th birthday on Nov. 23.
She told Banks about her dream car - a Mercedes.
"I want it black and then just the little Mercedes signs to be pink," she said. "I would like the stitching and steering wheel to be pink."
She celebrated her Sweet 16 seven weeks early, on Oct. 5, in Disneyland. More than 5,000 guests (many of whom paid $250) partied with her at the Anaheim, Calif., theme park, which was shut down for the day.
Asked what she wanted at the time, she said, "My parents shut down Disneyland for me," she told the AP, "so I'm good for a while."
Under her parents' roof!
Justin has his own apartment but has spent most nights in the Cyruses' California house, the tab reports. Tish and Billy Ray Cyrus are reportedly so taken with the underwear model/wannabe singer they’ve let him move in.
“Justin is the guy Miley’s parents see her settling down with a few years down the line,” their snitch says. “He’s handsome, talented, clean-living, goes to church and knows his Bible -- a real catch.”
"He actually reminds me a lot of myself when I was 20 years old and I was living and searching for the dream," Billy Ray told Access Hollywood. "He's got a great heart and soul, and a lot of determination. I think that's the true measure of a man, is when you measure his heart."
The insider adds: “Billy Ray wasn’t born yesterday. He figures the safest path to take is to keep Miley and Justin on a short leash-and under the same roof.”
Yeah, 'cause look how well that worked out for Lynne Spears. She reportedly allowed her 15-year-old daughter Jamie Lynn Spears and her older boyfriend Casey Aldridge to live together. And we all know how that ended.
Do not be fooled by that purity ring, Tish and Billy Ray!
Miley Cyrus is hunting for her very own apartment. At the Palazzo in Park LaBrea? At 16? She may have already celebrated her sweet sixteen but it isn't official until Nov. 23! Anyway, that's what the Star says.
The FBI did not immediately return calls for comment, but Cyrus' attorney, William Sobel, tells E! News, "This is an ongoing investigation and we appreciate the efforts of the FBI." Agents, ar
med with a thick file on Holly's recent online activities, served the 19-year-old Monday morning in Murfreesboro, Tenn., with a search warrant and a list of items they were looking for. They ultimately seized three of Holly's computers and his phone, but no arrest was made. No charges have been filed to date.
"I guess somebody ended up ratting me out," Holly told Threat Level. "I was just kind of shaking. I was thrown way off guard. I've never had anything like this happen before to a point that I just didn't know what to do. I was afraid to kick them out of my house."
Does being the sexiest woman alive imply that I know a thing or two about what’s sexy and, possibly, about sex itself? I’m not sure, but here’s what I do know: I know damned well I’m sexier now than I used to be. Let me make an argument here — not so much for me, or even for my age being sexy, but for what I’ve learned. I’ve picked up a little over the years. Sexy is not about wearing sexy clothes or shaking your booty until you damn near get hip dysplasia; it’s about knowing that sexiness is a state of mind — a comfortable state of being. It’s about loving yourself even in your most unlovable moments. I know a little bit about that.
Sexiness is also about knowing what’s sexy to you. To me, spaghetti is sexy, especially when it’s served off the tips of a man’s fingers. I like that. And I think wine is sexy, just before sex. It relaxes me. But if I want to get a serious groove on — if I want an out-of-body experience — I’m all about the sloe-gin fizz.
I think lingerie is sexy, and I’ll wear it, sure. But truth is, I’m good-to-go in a tank top and bare feet — although every woman should own at least one good pair of pumps. That’s really the only wardrobe you need for sex: a tank top and pumps.
When it comes to what I think is sexy about men, I like forearms. That’s my body part. They’re generally exposed, available, a little bit vulnerable. A forearm is different with every man, and when it comes to forearms, size matters. I don’t like them slight.
Ask me what’s the sexiest car in the world and I’ll just say my man’s car, because it smells like him, because his shape is pressed into the seat, because it’s littered with little bits of his life — his golf balls or his chocolate-bar wrappers — and it’s ripe with the smells of him. That’s the car I most want to ride in.
What else? Ah, yes: the big O. You know that stuff they say about a woman being responsible for her own orgasms? That’s all true. And in my case, that makes me responsible for pretty damned good orgasms these days. Much better orgasms than when I was twenty-two. And I wouldn’t let a man control that. Not anymore. Now I’d invite him to participate. I’ll tell you this: I’ve learned my tricks. I know what I like. I do not wait around. I initiate. And I’m not all about frequency. I favor intensity.
There have been some men in my life who have been wickedly sexy and have taught me much about sexual pleasure. There are a few men I should thank, and others I need to forget. But I don’t regret. To hell with regret. I like what I am now. I like being a mother. I like my body better since I became a mother. I feel sexier as a result of becoming a mother.