Sunday, October 31, 2010
The class I took at the Community Access TV station
It's been a few years. I used to sit in bed watching Community Access TV Saturday morning.
The Community Access TV station was in the back of a local high school--the one where all the rich kids go--so I would sit and watch the show the high school kids produced. It was short videos made as assignments for their video class.
In one episode, some kids made a short documentary about their friend taking a tennis class. They filmed him playing tennis. He kept missing the ball. He'd go pick it up. He'd miss it again. They interviewed the teacher.
"What is ______'s greatest strength as a tennis player?" they asked.
The teacher laughed. They kept the camera on him, so he finally stopped laughing and talked about the improvement the kid had made since the beginning of the term and that, with continued effort, he thought he could be a reasonably good player.
In another video, some kids interviewed students in the hallway about their feelings about Christmas. One kid gave a long interview that was very good. He sang, talked about his family and what they did on Christmas.
Another gave an interview that wasn't so good.
"What is the spirit of Christmas?"
"The spirit of Christmas is presents for all the little children," he said nervously. There was an awkward silence. He added, "Who don't have presents."
"Are there any seasonal dishes you like?"
"I like chicken."
"That's not very seasonal."
"Fried chicken," he said. And, after a long pause, "with seasoning."
I'm surprised the teacher let them leave that in.
One episode had some younger kids. They looked 13 or 14. One kid was interviewing a big burly kid.
"Tell us about your diseases," the interviewer says.
The kid says he has trouble with his tear ducts and has to use eye drops. And he has ADHD and takes Ritalin.
"Does it suck having ADHD, or do you not notice?" the kid asked.
The other kid didn't answer.
"Show us your Judo," the interviewer says.
They were on the grass. The kid shows him his Judo. Quickly knocks the interviewer down. He hits his head on the ground and writhes in pain for the rest of the video.
The Molechai and Zar Show
There was another show I liked. It came on in the evenings. It was two 12-year-old boys. Both seemed extremely bright. They had a movie review show, like Siskel & Ebert. But they reviewed almost nothing but R-rated horror movies.
They were discussing one movie. "What was your favorite killing, Zar?" Molechai asked.
Zar said he liked the one where a man's head was cut off by a sheet of glass. There was blood everywhere.
But the kids had some sense of moral outrage. One of them was incensed at a scene in a PG-rated comedy. "It should have been rated R!" he said. The movie had a scene where two women spy on a man changing his clothes. "They didn't show him or anything, but they spied on him while he was NAKED!"
I later talked to a guy who had worked as a cameraman on that show. The kids had gone to their parents wanting to do it. They became celebrities at their school for a few weeks before losing interest. Then the cameraman needed videotape so he recorded over the tapes of the show.
Less ambitious shows
The station would broadcast anything that wasn't legally obscene. There was one old timer, a Libertarian, who would sit and read pamphlets for an hour every week. His show had been on for years.
Another guy, a Christian, would set up his camera on a tripod and hang around in his living room without a shirt. He would walk around, eat dinner with the microphone close to his mouth, belch, and occasionally say something religious. He was very hostile toward other denominations, but it was never clear why or what he believed. In one episode, he held up his cat and started speaking in a falsetto cat voice. "Yes, master. I'm sorry, master." I'm probably making it sound more interesting than it was.
If you ever film a TV show in your living room, at least clean up the room.
The Documentary Video class
The only ads they had on Community Access TV were for the classes they offered. For a long, long time, I would sit there watching and I'd think, "I ought to take one of those." I thought that for a few years, then finally looked up their website and sent them an email.
The fellow emailed back. Just as soon as they had enough students they'd start another class. He told me the price, which I think was $65, plus the $10 to become a member of CTV.
After a few weeks the class was starting.
I went to the TV station.
The studio was in the back of the school, but I didn't get that vague feeling of dread I usually get when I go into a school.
There were a handful of people in the class. There was an older woman, a high school senior, a man who didn't like the idea of any private business enjoying any advantage as a result of the documentary. The teacher was openly hostile toward him and they were constantly fighting.
The guy teaching the class was named Larry. In his 50s. He rode a bike. I wasn't sure what to make of him. He produced, it seems like, almost half the shows on the station. He worked very fast. The talk shows were live-on-tape with no post-production. He worked very fast editing the stuff that did require post production. He used analog editing equipment rather than digital editing because he could do it faster.
I think the problem with the class was that Larry had a very simple formula for making these documentaries, but he didn't spell it out. We started out looking at clips of documentaries exemplifying verious techniques---looked at an MTV documentary and one by Ken Burns. He should have shown us videos made by previous classes.
Larry knew how to work quickly. The videos the documentary classes produced all seemed to follow the same formula.
You picked a subject that would give you something to videotape, some action or activity you could easily get footage of. And you picked a subject that had an expert you could interview. Then you'd interview your expert in the studio one day and you'd go and film on location another day. A little editing, and you had your movie.
That may seem obvious, but because he didn't spell it out and explain the formula to the class, people kept suggesting ideas that wouldn't work. Pretty much anythings that's not fiction is a documentary, so we were suggesting all kinds of crap.
Luckily, we had Sue there, who was very serious about it, had a subject in mind and did the work and made the arrangements. She was an excellent interviewer. She and Larry did nearly all the work.
The filming
First we had a fellow come in to be interviewed. He was manager of a glass recycler. The only place that recycled window glass.
I operated one of the cameras.
There were two camera filming. We had to each keep an eye on the monitor to keep track of what the other was doing. If one of us was filming a close-up, the other needed to do a two shot.
The interview went fast, but was for naught. We screwed up the sound.
That's okay, Larry said. We'd just have to interview him again when we got on location.
On location
We went to the place where the recycling was done. We walked around. Sue interviewed the manager. He showed us the broken glass that came in, the pellets they made out of it. He showed us the molds he used.
Larry and Sue were doing that while I hung around with David, the high school kid, and tried to stay out of the picture.
After they were done filming, they handed the camcorder to me. I could get some other shots.
I filmed some lovely close-ups of the glass objects they produced. Glass trophies and awards, decorative items, knobs for cupboards and drawers. David did some filming, too. He was more energetic than me, walking along doing tracking shots of the glass.
I wasn't able to be there the day they went back for more filming. They went back and taped the actual glass work, pouring the molten glass into molds, then letting it cool.
Final result
For the final class, we edited it very quickly. It would have gone faster if Larry had ignored us. But he listened to our helpful suggestions. Sue dubbed the narration she wrote. Added some music.
The final result wasn't bad.
There were going to give us each a DVD of it, but I never got mine. I did see it on TV a couple of times though.
My big contribution:
For the opening shot, Larry wanted it to start zoomed in on some detail on the building, then zoom out to show the whole building, but there was nothing interesting to zoom in on.
"What about those pigeons?" I said.
He zoomed in on the pigeons, zoomed out to show the whole building, then zoomed in on the sign that served as the title.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tony Danza, Sarah Palin, Levi Johnston
I shouldn't admit this. I saw some of Teach, Tony Danza's reality show. I stumbled upon the last few minutes of the episode.
Tony Danza walks down the hall. Waiting outside the office stands a lovely girl with a black eye. She had gotten into a fight. He tells her that he was on a show called Who's The Boss and there was an episode where he has to move because his daughter got into a fight.
Later, the lady vice principal was picking on a child for wearing the wrong color shoes with his school uniform, so the kid cleverly handed her a dog biscuit. The rest of the staff grudgingly admires the youngster, but Tony Danza calls him over. Dictates an apology the kid writes down.
"I'm sorry I made you feel bad..."
"Now, write 'Best Regards' and sign your name."
He tells the kid to drop it off with the secretary.
But why ARE they wearing unforms?
According to another blog, when the school suddenly adopted their terrible-looking uniforms, Danza told the class that he wore the same clothes to work every day---he had five identical shirts and pairs of pants he wore each day.
Obviously, he does that for the show, so they can edit together footage they shot on different days.
And that's probably the reason they're made the kids shell out a fortune for uniforms and why they're threatening to kick kids out for failing to wear the black shoes the principal selected for them. If there are a thousand kids in that school and they each paid $100 for a couple of uniforms, that's a hundred grand they paid for the benefit of Danza's TV show.
Sarah Palin, Levi Johnston
I heard that Sarah Palin's teen nemesis, Levi Johnston, was trying to get a reality show. Johnston is the father of Palin's daughter's baby.
I am reminded of the words of William S Burroughs in the film "Towers Open Fire":
"I hate to see a bright young man fuck up and get off on the wrong track. Sure, it happens to all of us, one time or another...."Levi Johnston was a teenager, only 19, in a public feud with Palin, a major political figure. And he was playing his cards a lot better than she was.
On a morning talk show, he revealed some rather vile things about her, like the "funny" way she kept referring to her baby who has Down Syndrome. And he said there was a lot more he could tell, but he was saving it in case she wanted to attack him again.
I hate to see the boy squander the advantages he gained from posing in Playgirl by degrading himself with a reality TV show.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sarah Palin, Reality TV
Sarah Palin has a reality TV show.
I just saw Chris Matthews argue it was a smart move on her part.
"RONALD REAGAN WAS ON DEATH VALLEY DAYS," he said. He was speaking normally, but it was as if a normal person were shouting.
So far, I haven't heard of reality television being anyone's ticket to success.
There was Danny Bonaduce's reality show. Shirley Jones called him and asked him what he was doing.
"Shirley, it's a paycheck," he said.
"It's the last paycheck you'll ever get," she told him.
Balloon Boy's father
Would-be reality TV star Richard Heene is marketing a back scratching device. It's sort of a wood thing that you're supposed to install in your living room so you can scratch your back like bears do in the wild.
For Balloon Boy's sake, I hope it's a success.
Tony Danza
It turns out Tony Danza was the smart one.
But his reality show, Teach, has been canceled. Probably just as well.
It seems that, before he became a boxer and then an actor, Danza got a degree in education. He planned on teaching high school.
He got his chance on this reality show. He goes to work as a high school English teacher.
The kids have no idea who he is.
"I think he was on Cheers," one of them says.
A kid does recognize him in the office.
The class has a couple of kids with learning disabilities as well as really smart kid. A girl cries when she does badly on a test. She takes off while Tony is getting her a kleenex. Tony violates state law by not allowing learning disabled kids to take their tests in the resource room. The smart kid is worried that he's wasting his time in that class even though he gets to be on TV.
The trouble with the show is that the kids don't know who he is and he won't tell them. He should have been regaling the class with stories about his time on Supertrain, or Canonball Run II.
There was Frank McCourt's book, Teacher Man. Publicizing the book, he told one story. Students tried to distract him, get him talking about something else, so they won't have to work.
"Are you from Scotland?"
"I'm not Scotch. I'm Irish."
"What's Irish?"
So, it goes on, a discussion of Irish life and culture.
"So, did you go out with girls in Ireland," one of them asks.
"No. Sheep. Damn it. We went out with sheep. What do you think."
Wouldn't the young people have been interested in hearing about Danza's time co-starring with orangutans in Going Ape? Wouldn't they want to know what Gavin McLeod was really like on the set of The Love Boat?
Instead they're stuck in a class with a 60-year-old teacher working his very first normal job 40 years after getting his degree.
Harvard Sigma Chi Update: They've Apologized
AK note: Repost from the Harvard Crimson. Thoughts on the apology?
As The Crimson reported two weeks ago, a Sigma Chi party, which was billed as “Conquistabros and Navajos” received some criticism from some students on campus. Students were encouraged to dress up “as anything related to exploration in America, e.g. Columbus, pilgrims, conquistadors, Native Americans and cowboys/girls” for the party which took place over the Columbus Day weekend.
While initial negative reactions to the festivities were at first limited to students on campus, it has now sparked some outrage outside of the Harvard community.
Adrienne K., a Cherokee graduate student in the Boston area, posted an e-mail signed “The Members of Sigma Chi” on her blog Native Appropriations.
“The brothers of Sigma Chi invite you to our Columbus Day party this Friday: Conquistabros and Navajos. Start off the long weekend right with one of our best parties of the year. The theme is lighthearted and flexible,” the e-mail reads in part.
The claim that “the theme is lighthearted” seems to have struck a nerve with Adrienne K. “First of all, lighthearted?! You're calling the genocide of millions of Native peoples lighthearted? What if we re-wrote their invitation...to a new party called ‘Jew-bros and Nazi-hos’?” she wrote.
Another blog also criticized the party’s theme.
“All in all, it seems like a stupid idea, even if we don't know the details. If we did know the details, I'm sure it would seem much worse,” commented Newspaper Rock, a blog “where Native America meets pop culture.”
Sigma Chi has issued a formal apology, calling the theme “insensitive” and an “error of judgment.” The fraternity has pledged to donate the proceeds from their annual food drive to the Native American Heritage Association “to help rectify, in a small way, the ongoing pervasive deprivation and hunger on our nation's reservations.”
Here’s Sigma Chi’s full apology, addressed to members of the Harvard community:
“We would like to apologize for the theme of the party that we recently held. It was insensitive and hurtful, especially for the Native American members of our community. We are deeply sorry for the offense our actions have caused.
As a group that strives to be inclusive, and embraces members of numerous ethnic backgrounds and nationalities, including Native Americans, we recognize that this was a serious error of judgment on our part, and we expect better of ourselves. We have taken steps to increase oversight over future chapter activities to prevent offensive mistakes like this one. You have our promise that we will not allow it to happen again.
The chapter has decided to donate the proceeds from our annual food drive to the Native American Heritage Association to help rectify, in a small way, the ongoing pervasive deprivation and hunger on our nation's reservations. Again, we are deeply sorry for the lack of judgment.
The Members of Sigma Chi at Harvard”
I'd like to think this was done out of the goodness of their hearts, but I did fire off some angry emails to the National Chapter of Sigma Chi, as well as the President of the Harvard Chapter, and a few other Harvard administrators...but I'm still glad they apologized.
The LA Ink star got together with Sandra Bullock's former husband earlier this year. But speculation was sparked that she had reunited with ex-boyfriend Nikki Six after being spotted out with him.
However, the 28-year-old said that far from getting back with the musician, she is still very much an item with James. She says that people don't really know him but once you get to know him, he's a brilliant guy, smart, full of love and passion. They obviously share a passion for tattoos.....and attention seeking. Sounds like love!
Jesse James cheated on his wife, actress Sandra Bullock over 11 months. They are now divorced and Sandra is moving on. She won't be getting her next tattoo from Kat Von D for sure.
Kat who is a great business woman, was out yesterday in New York signing copies of her new book - The Tattoo Chronicles. In the book, Kat reveals more about the men in her life, including excerpts from her "blood books," journals she kept while dating Sixx, who is now a friend. She also talks about tattoos and her clients stories and her tattoo shop. A must read for all the fans of LA INK, London Ink and all the tattoo shows on TV.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Trust your Friends to Tattoo?
The amateur tattoo artist, a 21-year-old Australian man, has been charged with assault and causing bodily harm. It is believed he did the rude tattoo as a revenge. The man with the large penis on his back now has to find a tattoo removal treatment such as laser tattoo removal in order to remove the rude tattoo.
Tip of the day: don't get a tattoo from someone who wants revenge on you!
Nothing Wrong With Rich Becoming Richer
Nothing Wrong With Rich Becoming Richer
Monday, October 25, 2010
Juan Williams stinks
From Stan Cox:
And from Dedrick Muhammad and Barbara Ehrenreich in August, 2009:
NPR should have fired Juan Williams not last Wednesday but nine years ago. The cause for dismissal should have been this radio commentary that I recall hearing him deliver as I was driving through Salina, Kansas on September 14, 2001:
He said in part,
“This week, Neil Livingston[e], an anti-terrorism expert, told me there is only one meaningful response to terrorism. That is to absolutely extinguish the terrorist. That means using nuclear weapons on terrorists in any country that harbors them . . . Despite my non-violent instincts, I found myself reluctantly agreeing with Neil.”
Williams noted that soon after he drew that radioactive conclusion, James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, got him to reconsider it “for a little while.” But then, he said, “I went back to Livingston’s camp” because “these are unreasonable times.”
...By dumping him in 2001 when he should have been dumped, NPR could have reduced somewhat its output of bland conventional wisdom—a variety of verbiage that sounds especially irritating when rolling off the tongue of a fanatic.
Just last month on NPR, commentator Juan Williams dismissed the NAACP by saying that more up-to-date and relevant groups focus on "people who have taken advantage of integration and opportunities for education, employment, versus those who seem caught in generational cycles of poverty," which he went on to characterize by drug use and crime. The fact that there is an ongoing recession disproportionately affecting the African American middle class - and brought on by Wall Street greed rather than "ghetto" values - seems to have eluded him.http://www.counterpunch.org/muhammad08052009.html
And a from Ishmael Reed in 2008:
Blaming black men exclusively for the abuses against women is a more profitable infotainment product. Hypocrisy is also involved. MSNBC host, Joe Scarborough, who welcomed Juan William’s latest demagogic attack on blacks, printed in The Wall Street Journal , still hasn’t addressed the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of his staffer, Lori Klaustis who was found dead on the floor of his office or why he had to resign abruptly from Congress. And is Juan Williams, whose career has been marred by repeated sexual harassment complaints against him really one to criticize the personal morality of others?http://www.counterpunch.org/reed06242008.html
Juan Williams, sexually harassment
In the early 1990s, Juan Williams worked at The Washington Post where it seems Williams had been sexually harassing female coworkers:
Jo Ellen Murphy, art director of the Weekend section, said that "he was obsessed with my sex life and that's all he wanted to talk to me about . . . . I raised my voice at him and said, 'Just don't talk to me again.' "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2010/10/21/ST2010102102028.html
After Williams made some "hostile remarks" in late September, Murphy said, a male co-worker reported it to an editor, which triggered the personnel inquiry.
Nancy McKeon, the magazine's features editor, said she told Williams that "you've got a little problem here" after she complained about a sexual remark he made to her. Karen Tanaka, an assistant photo editor, said Williams had been "nothing but nasty to me." Deborah Needleman, the magazine's photo editor, said that when she objected to Williams's "demeaning" comments, he said: "What's wrong with a little flirting?"
Williams was under investigation for sexual harassment, but the Editorial Page Editor Meg Greenfield wasn't informed of this. So she ran Williams' column defending and supporting Clarence Thomas, chortling over the charges Anita Hill made against him, unaware that Williams was himself a pervert.
The disclosure came five days after a Williams column on The Post's op-ed page in which he said that Anita Hill had "no credible evidence" for her allegations of sexual harassment by Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, but that Hill was "prompted" to make her charges by Democratic Senate staffers. The Post's personnel inquiry had begun more than two weeks earlier, but the column angered many women in the newsroom, and several came forward to say that they had also had problems with Williams. Post editors say they decided to make a public statement after WRC-TV aired a report on the controversy.
Williams returned to the newsroom Monday after working away from the office for two weeks, and the controversy seemed to have died down. But emotions began running high again Wednesday when Williams was quoted in USA Today as saying the complaints stemmed from "my attempts at being friendly" and saying "Hi. How are you? . . . Hey, did you have a date? How was your weekend?" He also said The Post had "said basically, 'Come back to work. We're sorry this happened.' "
A letter to Downie signed by 116 newsroom employees yesterday said: "We feel Juan's unrefuted false statements to the national media continue to cause anguish and professional harm to the women involved. They have also left many people inside and outside The Post with the impression that either the complaints were not serious or were not taken seriously . . . . The Post has an obligation to set the record straight by refuting such comments."
After this, Williams was forced to sit in an isolated part of the office where he could be watched at all times.
Pinoys Are Social Network Addicts
The study covered the usage habits of various countries and encompassed a broad range of social networking sites. According to the study, Filipinos are the fifth heaviest users of social neworks in the world, with Pinoys spending an average of 6.2 hours logged in. In contrast, the worldwide average is just 4.5 hours. These figures might be higher considering that the study did not include Internet cafes and mobile phones.
According to the study, the top Ten social network users are the following:
Canada (5.8 hours)
The study reinforces findings reported by ComScore earlier this year, which indicate that the Philippines has the highest social media engagement in the Asia-Pacific region.
Know more about Facebook visit this post mark-zuckerbergs-take-on-social-network (Click this link for full article).
Source: GMANews.TV
Pinoys Are Social Network Addicts
The study covered the usage habits of various countries and encompassed a broad range of social networking sites. According to the study, Filipinos are the fifth heaviest users of social neworks in the world, with Pinoys spending an average of 6.2 hours logged in. In contrast, the worldwide average is just 4.5 hours. These figures might be higher considering that the study did not include Internet cafes and mobile phones.
According to the study, the top Ten social network users are the following:
Canada (5.8 hours)
The study reinforces findings reported by ComScore earlier this year, which indicate that the Philippines has the highest social media engagement in the Asia-Pacific region.
Know more about Facebook visit this post mark-zuckerbergs-take-on-social-network (Click this link for full article).
Source: GMANews.TV
Bionic Heart
Bionic Heart
Man With High-Tech Robot Arm Dies After Car Crash
still unknown and if the robotic arm had anything to do with it.
You maybe wondering can he really drive a normal car? No he can't. To enable Kandlbauer to drive himself to work every morning, his Subaru Impreza was adapted with special equipment, including a modified emergency brake and special buttons to operate the horn, indicator lights and windshield wipers. It was later approved by local transportation authorities.
"I like driving," he said on his site. What an ironic and tragic thing to happen. He should not have been given a license in the first place. There are so many things that can happen to you when driving. A driver needs a full working body to react to every scenario thrown to him while on the road. I'm just saying that when a normal person drives a car there's always a risk for accidents. What more for a robotic armed man? Would you have agreed to allow Kandlbauer to drive?
Man With High-Tech Robot Arm Dies After Car Crash
still unknown and if the robotic arm had anything to do with it.
You maybe wondering can he really drive a normal car? No he can't. To enable Kandlbauer to drive himself to work every morning, his Subaru Impreza was adapted with special equipment, including a modified emergency brake and special buttons to operate the horn, indicator lights and windshield wipers. It was later approved by local transportation authorities.
"I like driving," he said on his site. What an ironic and tragic thing to happen. He should not have been given a license in the first place. There are so many things that can happen to you when driving. A driver needs a full working body to react to every scenario thrown to him while on the road. I'm just saying that when a normal person drives a car there's always a risk for accidents. What more for a robotic armed man? Would you have agreed to allow Kandlbauer to drive?
Erase a Tattoo
Check this out:
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Randy Quaid
What the hell's wrong with Randy Quaid?
He seemed like a rather appealing actor. Now he and his wife are a couple of nuts. They've made a hobby out of running up massive hotel bills--five or ten thousand dollars or more--and running out without paying. Most recently they were arrested for breaking into and living in the guest house of a home they sold several years ago. They allegedly cause $5,000 in damage, then they missed their court date. They were arrested in Canada. During their arraignment before the immigration board, they wrote a note which their lawyer read to the cameras: “Yes, we are requesting asylum from Hollywood STAR WACKERS” [sic].
The Quaids claim their lives are in danger. Stars are being murdered. Among them, Keith Ledger and David Carradine.
Carradine died in Thailand. So what makes them think they'd be safe in Canada?
Here's a quote from ABC News quoting and paraphrasing People magazine:
"Friends believe the Quaids' downward spin began after a dispute with the Actors' Equity Association," reported People. At the time, Quaid was starring in the musical "Lone Star Love" in Seattle.It doesn't explain what the hell was wrong with him getting kicked out of Actors' Equity in the first place.
"In October 2007, 23 AEA members filed complaints with the organization, claiming Randy was exhibiting oddball behavior and missing rehearsals. He was subsequently banned from the organization," reported People.
The article noted that the couple had hired Becky Altringer, a private investigator to investigate the actors who made complaints about them. Altringer told People, "After that, [Evi] flipped. That's when she started saying everyone was against them, and now she's saying I'm against them." Altringer is reportedly suing the couple for breach of contract to recoup $19,000 she says she's owed.
The article quotes a psychiatrist, but he doesn't offer much of a diagnosis either. Suggests they're just spoiled rich people:
"It amounts to pretending that something distressing doesn't exist, otherwise called denial," said Paul S. Appelbaum, a psychiatrist and professor of psychiatry, medicine and law at Columbia University. "At some level, most people will register that the summons to appear in court is for them, but it's what the mind does with that information that's important."
Appelbaum noted that peer groups can influence how people respond to court dates by saying, "Oh, you don't have to go." And, in some cases, he said, all you need for a peer group is one person, who can be your spouse or other intimate.
Another factor that can create a no-show mindset is how much they once got away with. "People who are talented, smart or athletically gifted are often allowed to avoid unpleasant realities," said Appelbaum, noting it might be something as simple as being excused from chores because you're in a school play.
"Once you feel entitled, it's very hard to think of yourself as unentitled, even if you're not in demand or fielding phone calls," said Jim Cohen, a professor of criminal law at Fordham Law School whose expertise is psychology and criminal law. "People who consider themselves entitled are not happy being told what to do."Well, not much insight there. These may be the types who make careers out of testifying that clearly insane defendants are perfectly normal and should be executed.
Of course, I have no insight either.
Dustin Diamond once again
I saw that Dustin Diamond and Andy Dick are the big stars in a low budget movie, Tetherball, being made in Michigan. I'm all for movie production outside of Hollywood. But----why is Dustin Diamond in it?
If straight-to-video movies had existed in the 1970s, maybe the cast from The Brady Bunch would have had more of a career. I remember seeing Greg Brady in a Shasta commercial. "What are we drinking, m'lord," he said in an English accent.
Barry Williams 1977 Shasta commercial
Of course, Jan Brady went on to play a teenage runaway in a made-for-TV movie. In one scene, she talks with a prostitute who mentions a time when she was pregnant.
"I didn't know you had a baby!" Jan enthuses.
"I said I was pregnant, stupid," the prostitute sneers. "I didn't say I had a baby."
Marcia also played a teen prostitute in an episode of The Streets of San Francisco.
Mr Brady played an obscene phone caller who gets psychiatric help in a made-for-TV movie, he played a transsexual on a two part episode of Medical Center, he was in a made-for-TV answer to Star 80, and he played a cop who is very tolerant of his prostitute neighbors in a TV mini-series.
Florence Henderson---I don't know what she's done, but, in her talk show appearances, it always takes about two seconds before she starts talking about sex.
Bobby is an assistant cameraman.
Cindy does electronic music. One of her compositions was used in a pornographic movie, but she had no contact or connection with them.
Ann B Davis pretty much left acting and joined an Episcopal community.
Shows kids like and adults can't stand
Looking at Saved By The Bell and The Facts of Life, I now understand all the adults who couldn't stomach The Brady Bunch and some of the other crap I watched back in my day. I can still sit through an episode of the Brady Bunch if I have to. And, twenty years ago, if I had made a really cheap movie and needed a "big star" in it, I probably would have hired one of the Brady Bunch or one of the castaways from Gilligan's Island.
But I still can't understand why these people keep hiring Dustin Diamond. He's been in several extremely cheap comedies that went straight to video. He's like the John Carradine of really low budget comedy. But looking at his final years as an adult on Saved By The Bell, I can't imagine why anyone would want him.
On top of that, you have his appearances on "reality" TV shows. He seemed like he would be rather difficult to work with, antagonizing other cast members, constantly threatening to call his lawyer and so forth.
Well, maybe that's how they got him so cheap. It sounds like he and Andy Dick are filming their scenes in one day each.
I wish people would just let his career die. Quit giving him false hope so he'll get on with it and do something with his life, like become a dishwasher or a parking lot attendant.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It turns out Casablanca stunk. And something about Woody Allen
Okay, so, you have this movie, Casablanca. A "classic".
It turns out to be a myth that Ronald Reagan was once slated to star in it, but even if it were true, so what.
John Baxter, in his excellent biography of Woody Allen, pointed out that it was only after Allen's Play It Again, Sam that Casablanca started appearing on lists of the "ten greatest movies of all time."
I've never been able to sit through the thing.
I felt somewhat vindicated by this article by David Macaray which appeared on the Counterpunch website:
...for all the adoration and praise this movie has received, has anyone actually examined its plot? Has anyone asked themselves what this movie is really about? Because, if they had, they’d realize the movie’s central premise is patently absurd.
Victor Laszlo (played by Paul Henreid) is portrayed as the Nazi’s uber-nemesis. He’s the Czech leader of the European Resistance, an escapee from a concentration camp, a man the Third Reich has been chasing all over the world. As fate would have it, Laszlo, his wife Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman), Ilsa’s former lover (Humphrey Bogart), and a contingent of Nazis all wind up in Casablanca, Morocco.
In an early scene, the ranking German officer, Major Strasser (Conrad Veidt), confesses to the city’s corrupt chief of police, Captain Renault (Claude Rains), that Lazlo has already “slipped through our fingers three times.” The Nazis fear Laszlo because, as the charismatic leader of the Underground with a huge and loyal following, he represents a clear threat to the Reich.
And yet, confoundingly—with the stakes high and the stage immaculately set—we see Laszlo walking leisurely around the city of Casablanca, arm and arm with his wife, spending his evenings at Rick’s Café Americain (Rick, of course, is Bogart), with the Nazis fully cognizant of his whereabouts, yet making no effort to grab him.
The Nazis didn't want to violate anyone's rights.
...we’re supposed to believe that if Laszlo can somehow obtain two “letters of transit” which are floating mysteriously around the city, he and his wife will be able to leave Casablanca unmolested, with the Nazis powerless to stop them. Why? Because these documents bear the signature of Charles De Gaulle, Free France’s president-in-exile.
More preposterously, these “letters” aren’t even made out in Laszlo’s name. They’re blank. They’re a one-size-fits-all document with the power of a diplomatic “Get Out of Jail Free” card.
Even accepting the notion of a “talismanic” letter, why wouldn’t the Nazis simply scoop up Laszlo before he obtained it?...
In reality, Macaray says, the Nazis would have simply killed him. There was nothing to stop them.
The article ends with a quote from Julius J. Epstein, co-writer on the movie:
“It was just a routine assignment. Frankly, I can't understand its staying power. If it were made today, line for line, each performance as good, it'd be laughed off the screen. It's such a phony picture. Not a word of truth in it. It's camp, it’s kitsch. It's shit!”
Woody Allen's Play It Again, Sam
It started out as a play. Allen starred in it on stage. He wasn't trained as a stage actor and had to drink milkshakes all the time to sooth his voice. He wasn't used to projecting.
Bob Denver, TV's Gilligan, replaced Allen when he left.
When they made the play into a movie, Allen didn't want to direct. He had directed a couple of movies already, but they were just a series of gags without a strong plot. He didn't know if he could do something with a beginning, a middle and an end.
That seemed to be a theme in Baxter's biography of Allen. His early works were nothing but a string of gags, which is actually fine. I saw an interview with Jacques Tati in which he praised Allen's movies. Allen was stunned when, early in his career as a playwright, someone told him his play was too funny---it had too many jokes.
He saw the lack of a strong storyline as a weakness and has spent his career trying to correct it. But the truth is that his "earlier, funnier movies" were better cinematically.
Ray Carney has pointed out that, at least in Allen's "serious" movies, "Allen's characters' doubts, hesitations, fears are verbally articulatable (which is why his films are almost completely comprehensible from their written screenplays)." (http://people.bu.edu/rcarney/carncult/woodytext.htm)
On the other hand, you have Allen's "funny" movies, the ones that are a series of gags. The thing is that they work as movies but it would be almost impossible to write a synopsis of one. Try to imagine a novelization of Bananas. They work only as movies. They can't be translated into any other narrative form.
Friday, October 22, 2010
3 minute scenes
I found it on a website that had advice on how to write a script. Three minute scenes.
I saw a guy on TV. He worked on the show Baywatch in some capacity and wrote the script to one episode. People were impressed by this, but he said, "It's just a series of three minute scenes. I can write a three minute scene."
So early one morning, I turned on TVLand.
"What the---" I said.
An episode of Hunter, the old Reagan-era cop show, was on. All the scenes were almost exactly 90 seconds long.
"Maybe this three minute thing was all hooey," I thought.
Then Gunsmoke came on. An intellectual comes to Dodge City to spread high culture. He turns out to be a Confederate war criminal. Doc defends him for some reason.
"He's trying to make amends by doing something good!"
All the scenes were three minutes long. But they were each two 90 second scenes put together. You'd have 90 seconds of people doing or talking about one thing, then one person would leave and another would come in and they'd do something else for 90 seconds.
Scenes filmed in one shot
There was an episode of Barnaby Jones where every scene was filmed in one take. It would start with a master shot, but instead of cutting to a medium shot, the camera would slowly zoom in to a medium shot of two of the people. Then it would slowly zoom out. Then it would slowly zoom in on another actor.
On an episode of Vegas, they did every scene in one shot as much as possible. They did break up a fight scene into two shots, and there was a scene in a cramped office where they had little choice but to cut back and forth between the two actors.
I've read stuff about movies, like those of Joseph Lewis, where scenes are often done in one shot, and there was the cast of Alfred Hitchcock's Rope who talked about how much pressure they were under, having to do such long scenes in one take without screwing it up, but Buddy Ebsen and Robert Urich did it all the time.
Then there was the time I watched a two minute long student film. It had taken the young fellow six months to edit. Shot on film. He was practicing his montage, filmed in short takes. It all took place in one room. If he had filmed it in one shot, he could have made his movie in two minutes instead of six months, although it wouldn't have been very good practice for him.
Are Makati's Smoke-Belching Checkpoints Legal?
image via wn.com |
Are Makati's Smoke-Belching Checkpoints Legal?
image via wn.com |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Juan Williams, NPR
Not that NPR is so great.
Good riddance to him.
Harvard's "Conquistabros and Navajos" Frat Party
If you can see in the invitation above (which was forwarded widely throughout the undergrad community), it depicts a tall ship, bearing Sigma Chi sails, with the words:
Then, accompanying the flyer was an email from the fraternity, which stated:"In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue, and in 2010, Harvard Sigma Chi is rolling back the clock again...On October 8th, at 11pm, come ready to set sail at a new kind of party. Come dressed to explore the New World...or defend it."
Hey everyone,
The brothers of Sigma Chi invite you to our Columbus Day party this Friday: Conquistabros and Navajos. Start off the long weekend right with one of our best parties of the year. The theme is lighthearted and flexible; dress as anything related to exploration in America, e.g. Columbus, pilgrims, conquistadors, Native Americans and cowboys/girls. This party will be list only, so reply to socialchair@harvardsigmachi.com if you want to request getting a couple friends/blockmates added to the list. We hope to see you there.
-The Members of Sigma ChiI bolded my favorite line of the email--"The theme is lighthearted and flexible; dress as anything related to exploration in America, e.g. Columbus, pilgrims, conquistadors, Native Americans and cowboys/girls".
First of all, lighthearted?! You're calling the genocide of millions of Native peoples lighthearted? What if we re-wrote their invitation...to a new party called "Jew-bros and Nazi-hos"?
Hey everyone,
The brothers of Sigma Chi invite you to our party this Friday: Jew-bros and Nazi-hos. Start off the long weekend right with one of our best parties of the year. The theme is lighthearted and flexible; dress as anything related to WWII/The Holocaust, e.g. Hitler, Nazis, The Gestapo, Jews and soldiers. This party will be list only, so reply to socialchair@harvardsigmachi.com if you want to request getting a couple friends/blockmates added to the list. We hope to see you there.***-The Members of Sigma Chi
I don't think that would fly at all, do you?
Beyond the horrifying minimization of the genocide of Native peoples and continuing legacy of colonialism in the Americas, let's talk about the logic here. So. First of all, Conquistadors and Navajos. I get the cutesy "omg we're so clever look at us make the theme of "bros and hos" into something related to Columbus Day!"--which has major issues as it is (remember our discussion of the sexualization of Native women?) but really? Conquistadors=South America, Navajos=American Southwest. Columbus=West Indies. Pilgrims=American Northeast. and how are cowboys even related at all?
And I refuse to accept the "it's just a party, get over it" mentality. Some of the main reasons this is incredibly harmful to Native peoples (including and especially the Native students at Harvard)...apologies to regular readers, who must get sick of my constant repetition of these ideas:
1. Glorifying and making light of the atrocities committed by the "explorers" of the Americas is just as bad as glorifying the Nazis and the Holocaust, and not something to be taken lightly.I could go on, but I think that might be enough for now.
2. The theme is using a generic stereotype of an Indigenous person (in this case "Navajo") to represent thousands of tribes and communities throughout the Americas, each with their own unique culture and history. The Indigenous groups who encountered the conquistadors are not remotely the same as Navajos in the southwest, and by lumping them together, the party contributes to continued stereotyping of Native peoples as one monolithic group--consisting of hollywood stereotypes of war paint, feathers, and buckskin.
3. Encouraging party goers to "dress up" as American Indians and Indigenous Peoples puts Native people in the category of a fantasy character--something that no longer exists, or never did. Columbus, Conquistadors, and Pilgrims are all situated in the past, but Native peoples are still here, are still alive, and still Native (and yes, cowboys are still alive, but they are not systematically oppressed and facing continued colonialism). It is also condoning dressing up in racial drag, and I would bet Sigma Chi might get in a little trouble if they hosted a blackface party.
The Crimson (the student newspaper) did write an article about the Indigenous Peoples Day vigil the undergrads hosted, and mentioned the party:
This candlelight vigil comes after a themed party held by Sigma Chi on Friday night drew criticism from many members of Native Americans at Harvard College. A member of the Sigma Chi leadership told The Crimson that the event was called “Brave New World,” but the theme has been characterized by other students as “Conquistabros and Navajos.”
“It’s always very disappointing to see native cultures lumped into one group that you can dress up,” said Tia M. Ray ’12, vice president of Native Americans at Harvard College and a member of the Navajo tribe, explaining how she felt that the event made a “mockery” out of her tribe.
A member of Sigma Chi said that the event was not intended to offend anyone, and the controversy has prompted discussion within the organization on planning future events."Brave New World" my butt. The invitation is above, you all can see exactly how they advertised the theme. and of course the "event was not intended to offend anyone"--does anyone set out to hold and event that is inherently offensive? It's just a cheap way of covering themselves.
There you have it, the glories of the bastion of cultural sensitivity that is Harvard College. Thanks, Sigma Chi. Looking forward to your future events.
...and oops, I might have left the email address of the social chair on there, if you'd like to let him know your thoughts.
UPDATE: Sigma Chi issued an apology.
***I made this up. This is a fake invitation. Just clarifying. But the first one is completely real.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Actress Namitha in Designer Saree
Actress Namitha in Designer Saree |
The pleasure we obtain from music comes from counting, but counting unconsciously. Music is nothing but unconscious arithmetic.
~ Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.
~ Andr? Gide
Movies which set out to be 'commercial' usually have an artificial look about them-a certain waxlike quality. They allow for no failure, no moment of mistake.
~ Nicholas Roeg
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
~ Aldous Huxley, Music at Night and Other Essays
Watch Willow Smith | Whip My Hair Video
Nine years old is a good age to start a music career. This girl has the "It Factor!"
"Whip My Hair" seems destined to become the pre-teen anthem of the year... Can't wait to see what she comes out with next. Check out the video:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Bus Number Coding to be Reimplemented, Odd-Even Scheme Rejected
The mayors who form the Metro Manila Council agreed to implement the Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program (UVVRP) or Number Coding on an "experimental basis". However the proposal for the re-implementation of the Odd-Even Scheme
"We will continue to enhance traffic enforcement, and we ask for the public's cooperation in the days ahead by observing road discipline and courtesy," Tolentino said.
According to studies even under the current number coding scheme, EDSA's private and public lanes have breached their maximum capacity. 3,800 buses ply EDSA when there should only be 1,600 buses.
Present during the meeting were:
# Mayors Herbert Bautista of Quezon City;
# Sherwin Gatchalian of Valenzuela;
# Enrico Echeverri of Caloocan;
# John Rey Tiangco of Navotas;
# Del De Guzman of Marikina City;
# Benhur Abalos of Mandaluyong;
# Alfredo Lim of Manila, and
# Jaime Medina of the Municipality of Pateros.
Bus Number Coding to be Reimplemented, Odd-Even Scheme Rejected
The mayors who form the Metro Manila Council agreed to implement the Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program (UVVRP) or Number Coding on an "experimental basis". However the proposal for the re-implementation of the Odd-Even Scheme
"We will continue to enhance traffic enforcement, and we ask for the public's cooperation in the days ahead by observing road discipline and courtesy," Tolentino said.
According to studies even under the current number coding scheme, EDSA's private and public lanes have breached their maximum capacity. 3,800 buses ply EDSA when there should only be 1,600 buses.
Present during the meeting were:
# Mayors Herbert Bautista of Quezon City;
# Sherwin Gatchalian of Valenzuela;
# Enrico Echeverri of Caloocan;
# John Rey Tiangco of Navotas;
# Del De Guzman of Marikina City;
# Benhur Abalos of Mandaluyong;
# Alfredo Lim of Manila, and
# Jaime Medina of the Municipality of Pateros.
Andrew Cuomo "Paraphrases" a "Native American Proverb"
Last night was the New York Gubernatorial Debate, featuring a fantastic cast of characters who are vying for the coveted role of NY Governor. I don't live in NY, and have more of a vested interest in what happens in CA this election cycle (I grew up in SoCal)...but I did get a tip that I should check out Andrew Cuomo's response to a question on the environment last night. So I did. And here's what he said (33:29 in this video, which unfortunately I can't embed):
Yeah, about that. I can only imagine his "team" getting him prepped for the debate and making sure he was ready for the dreaded "environmental" question with a "Native American Proverb"--showing he's both multicultural AND environmentally friendly!
"The Native Americans have a proverb, which if I can paraphrase, is 'we don't inherit the earth from our parents, we're loaned the earth by our children.' so, to be good public stewards of the environment, I think, is paramount for the government..."
Can you imagine if he started out his answer with "The African Americans have a proverb, which if I can paraphrase..." or "The Asian Americans have a proverb..." or "The Latinos have a proverb..." or even better, "The White Americans have a proverb..."--there would be outrage. Everyone would give him the side-eye and an eyebrow raise and be thinking "wtf? really?". But apparently it's a-ok with Natives, since all 565+ tribes and communities are exactly the same, just like all African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans are the same. Right?
But then, on top of the lumping of all the distinct tribes and communities into one generic "Native American," we of course have the fabulous stereotyping of all Natives as being the perfect environmentalists. Crying a single tear for Mother Earth (I could actually write an entire post on that commercial alone). There is just as much harm in romanticizing Native peoples (the Noble Savage) as there is in vilifying. Either end of the spectrum creates absolutes, and erases the nuance and reality of an extremely heterogeneous, diverse, and huge group of people. We are not all warring savages, we are not all peaceful envrionmentalists, we are people. Real, living people, who believe in different things and act like individuals. How ridiculous is it that I even have to type that out?
The best part is, that "proverb" might not even be Native at all. In my early morning googling, I came across varying phrasings of the same idea attributed to a "Kenyan Proverb", a "Pennsylvania Dutch" proverb, to the leader of the Free Tibet movement, to Chief Seattle (which it's not), or like five other "sources". It's a folk saying--who knows its origins, but of course, since it's about the environment, it must be by Indians.
So, yeah. See how much privilege, colonial legacy, imperialist nostalgia, and racism can be loaded into a 5 second sound byte? So much. Welcome to my lens through which I view the world.
Full debate can be viewed here (clip is at 33:29): http://www.ny1.com/content/127353/story
Crying Indian PSA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4ozVMxzNAA