
engagement !!


Kevin and Danielle met on vacations at the Bahamas, she was with her familiy when the boys came over an started chatting.They exchanges numbers,im etc..and they kept in touch. And well you know the end of the story. Now they're engaged. Wedding date hasnt been set.But im sure its gonna rock.
imagine who would be in THE LIST . miley for sure,demi,selena, chelsea staub and many disney celebs,friends....etc. big rob for sure. and many others.
i think nick and joe are gonna be the bestmen so who do you think will go with them as couple?? MILEY AND CAMILLA??? imagine the bachelorette party!! it's gonna be awesome!!
so congrats dani and kevin. she's the 1st real Mrs. Jonas besides their mom of course...
how do you think Dani feels, imagine just being on vacations and suddenly THE JB come in and chatt with ya?? they give u their number, im etc...and you end up marring one og them /KEVIN
??? that's like a dream come true...
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